18 research outputs found

    Mobile Robot Path Planning in a Trajectory with Multiple Obstacles Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Path planning is an essential algorithm to help robots complete their task in the field quickly. However, some path planning algorithms are computationally expensive and cannot adapt to new environments with a distinctly different set of obstacles. This paper presents optimal path planning based on a genetic algorithm (GA) that is proposed to be carried out in a dynamic environment with various obstacles. First, the points of the feasible path are found by performing a local search procedure. Then, the points are optimized to find the shortest path. When the optimal path is calculated, the position of the points on the path is smoothed to avoid obstacles in the environment. Thus, the average fitness values and the GA generation are better than the traditional method. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm successfully finds the optimal path in an environment with multiple obstacles. Compared to a traditional GA-based method, our proposed algorithm has a smoother route due to path optimization. Therefore, this makes the proposed method advantageous in a dynamic environment

    Prediction of signal attenuation value caused by weather changes on cellular communication networks using backpropagation algorithm

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    The value of signal attenuation by the resulting weather changes may differ at any time. The collection of signal power data with different times, weather, humidity, rainfall, and temperatures using the drive test method in Malang area will be processed using machine learning methods and backpropagation algorithms. The process is carried out using Matlab software. In this study, data collection is carried out on four BTS ranges. In addition to these data, it is also necessary to calculate the value of signal attenuation by weather changes in order to find out whether the weather category is good or bad for telecommunications activities. When the weather is sunny and cloudy it has an RSSI range value of -85 dBm to -75 dBm, while in cloudy and rainy weather it has an RSSI range of -104,2 dBm to -87 dBm. Data from the results of the drive test measurements obtained the signal attenuation value by the largest weather change of 40.49718 dB and the largest rainfall of 681.8 mm / hour. Based on the test data, the signal attenuation value when the weather is sunny and cloudy is worth 0.096164 dB to 8.61604 dB, and in cloudy and rainy weather it has a greater attenuation value, from 12.3466 dB to 21.0098 dB. Using the backpropagation algorithm, the accuracy rate in this prediction reaches 99.7 %

    Implementation of Location Base Service Method Using WI-FI Network For Object Recognition at Museum

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    The museum that is currently being built is used as a place to manage existing historical objects, because real historical objects are easy to know when in the museum. The current management of the museum still uses a manual system, where visitors come to the museum and then see the historical objects in the museum. Nowadays, with the rapid development of the times, the use of advances in information can be used whenever and wherever the user is. Location-based services in museums can be used to develop object recognition systems implemented in museums. In this research, a Location Base Service (LBS) system will be created that uses an android application that is connected to a server to make it easier to study historical objects. The android device will transmit the current position signal received by the Access Point. The Android application functions as a viewer of nearby historical object description objects. When the user wants to observe a nearby historical object, the user will display a video about the object to introduce nearby objects. To support the Location Base Service (LBS) system, several Access Points to track users via wireless connected to Android devices

    Prototype of implementation of hybrid visible light communication technology for tele controlling systems in archives warehouse

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    Paper is one type of archive that is stored in the Archives Building. Maintenance of paper type archives needs to be considered to avoid mold growth and discoloration due to cigarette smoke. Therefore, a telecontrolling device is needed that can maintain a stable air humidity at 30% - 55% and a temperature of 15 °C - 22 °C. However, devices with a frequency of 2.4 GHz should not be used simultaneously in the same area because it will cause interference that can reduce performance. In this study, a temperature tele controlling system and smoke detection in the archive warehouse were made using hybrid visible light communication technology to improve data transmission performance. The system consists of 1 transmitter node connected to DHT 22, MQ 2, LED laser and WiFi network, as well as 2 receiver nodes to control the fan and water pump. The data from the receiver will be passed through the photodiode and then processed by the microcontroller. If the temperature value reaches the threshold, the receiver node will send a command so that the fan will turn on automatically, then if the smoke value reaches the threshold, the water pump will turn on automatically. The temperature and smoke values ??can be monitored in real time through the android application. The test results show that the use of hybrid visible light communication technology in the tele controlling system makes the delivery performance better

    RFID as Automatic Billing System on Smart Cart Based on Wireless Sensor Network at Clothing Store

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    The current billing system can only be done at the cashier by relying on human resources. So that it can increase the number of queues when consumers increase and purchase more than one product. Longer queues can waste time and energy so that it can reduce customer satisfaction. The billing process that can only be done at the cashier can also be an obstacle for customers in knowing the total bill when shopping. This can trigger an over budget so that customers have to increase their expenses. This research proposes an automatic billing system on a smart cart that can support the billing process, especially reading the total bill in real time. This system uses a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) passive label attached to each product as a unique identification code. In the shopping cart there is an RFID reader that functions to read the label. The products that have been added to the cart will be displayed on the application intended for customers and the web server for the cashier. Information on the website includes product name, price per product unit, product quantity, and total bill

    Laravel-Based Web Application for Alumni Books

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    Alumni are an inseparable unit in the world of education. Alumni have a close relationship with the annual album book which is used to store alumni data. The alumni data at the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic is still kept in the form of an alumni album book. Data entered in printed form has many shortcomings, including the possibility of being damaged, lost, or not being able to be changed periodically. To overcome the above problems, making a Website-Based Alumni Book Application with the Laravel Framework is the right way to deal with these problems. With this alumni book application, users can store information data digitally and the data stored in this application can be updated regularly. The alumni book application provides a search feature that is used to quickly search alumni data and print alumni albums to print their own albums. In this alumni book application, users are given various kinds of information related to alumni. In addition, users can also view details of alumni annual albums from different graduating generations. Based on software testing carried out using the black box method, the Website-Based Alumni Book Application with the Laravel Framework which was tested at the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic has been in accordance with user needs and resulting the average for each page around 7MB

    Prototype of Cluster Housing Portal Security System Using Fingerprint and One Time Password Based on Internet of Things

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    Cluster housing is chosen by many people because of the security system is uses one gate system. However, the housing portal system that is often encountered still uses human labor and guest data recording is also still done manually.  It often happens that the housing portal is always open, so that residents and non-residents can enter and exit the housing freely. Based on the existing problems, this research proposes an innovation, namely "Prototype of Cluster Housing Portal Security System Using Fingerprint and One Time Password Based on Internet of Things". Fingerprint is used for portal access by residents, while One Time Password (OTP) is used by guests to access the portal. The OTP is made through the citizen's website. The OTP will later be sent by residents to guests, so they can access the portal without having to have a security guard. All portal access data and guest data can be monitored through the security officer's website. The test parameters in this study are the accuracy of the fingerprint sensor, the suitability of the OTP code, the accuracy of the proximity sensor E18-D80NK, Quality of services (QoS), and the overall system test

    Design and Optimization of Solar Panel Based on Sun Detector

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    Many factors cause people to be reluctant to apply solar panel technology as a source of renewable electrical energy, one of which is the efficiency level of solar panels which is still very low because the position of solar panels is generally facing in one direction. In this study, we designed a tool that can automatically drive the solar panel motor according to the comparison value obtained from the LDR sensor. There are four LDR sensors for comparison that are used as a reference tool to move towards the brightest light intensity. From this solar panel, the power will be stored in the battery which at the same time drives the motor so that the rays obtained are more optimal and faster for charging the battery. From the results of the research conducted, the energy efficiency in a day is 9 percent from normal conditions without using optimization. It is hoped that this tool can help the community to use alternative renewable energy sources that are more effective and efficient

    RFID as Automatic Billing System on Smart Cart Based on Wireless Sensor Network at Clothing Store

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    The current billing system can only be done at the cashier by relying on human resources. So that it can increase the number of queues when consumers increase and purchase more than one product. Longer queues can waste time and energy so that it can reduce customer satisfaction. The billing process that can only be done at the cashier can also be an obstacle for customers in knowing the total bill when shopping. This can trigger an over budget so that customers have to increase their expenses. This research proposes an automatic billing system on a smart cart that can support the billing process, especially reading the total bill in real time. This system uses a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) passive label attached to each product as a unique identification code. In the shopping cart there is an RFID reader that functions to read the label. The products that have been added to the cart will be displayed on the application intended for customers and the web server for the cashier. Information on the website includes product name, price per product unit, product quantity, and total bill